Konsep, Metode Pendidikan Islam, Perspektif, Al-Qur’an dan Hadits.Abstract
Character education is a system of inculcating character values for millennial youth which includes knowledge, awareness, or will, and actions to implement these values both towards God and oneself and even fellow citizens and nationalities to become human beings. Christian religious education is an effort to equip young people with a source of faith. To shape the character of youth and contain the values of Christian truth in accordance with God's will, seeing the progress of digital information technology today, young people tend to lead to criminal cases, so this is a moral picture of youth where character education is very much needed. Character needs to be integrated in formal education, so that good values will be obtained from an early age. Building the character of adolescents means building a pattern of attitudes to be demonstrated in relation to one another. This attitude is the hallmark of Christian morality. In building one's character. Christian Religious Education should underline that the Bible provides a blueprint for Christian youth in the formation of moral and character development (Ps.78:1-8).
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