Analysis, Deixis, Film, “Kung Fu Panda 4”Abstract
Deixis is a linguistic concept that refers to a word or phrase whose meaning depends on the context of use, especially in terms of who is speaking, to whom, when, and where the conversation takes place. The problem of this research is what are the types of deixis in the movie "Kung Fu Panda 4"? And what are the functions of deixis contained in the movie "Kung Fu Panda 4"? The purpose of this research is to find out the various types of deixis used and analyze the use of deixis in the film "Kung Fu Panda 4". this research focuses on the types of deixis and the function of deixis contained in the film. This research uses qualitative method. Data collection techniques by searching the script of the film "Kung Fu Panda 4" on the internet, watching the film repeatedly, making a table, then analyzing and sharing into the table, finally making a conclusion. Data were obtained through direct observation of the movie "Kung Fu Panda 4". This research is analyzed using the theory (Levinson et al., 2019). As for the results of this study based on the results of research conducted on An Analysis of Deixis in "Kung Fu Panda 4" movie, it can be concluded that there are 5 types of deixis and 13 deixis functions found in the movie. The following is the explanation: There are five types of deixis found in the film Kung Fu Panda 4 which amounted to 351 data, namely persona deixis 160 data, time deixis 28 data, place deixis 13 data, discourse deixis 127 data, and social deixis 23 data. Meanwhile, there are 13 deixis functions, including 3 functions of persona deixis, namely: pointing to the first person amounted to 87 data, pointing to the second person amounted to 49 data, the third person amounted to 24 data. The function of time deixis has 3 functions, namely referring to the past time totaling 4 data, referring when the speech takes place totaling 19 data, referring after the speech takes place totaling 5 data. The function of place deixis has 2 functions, namely referring to the place closest to the speaker totaling 10 data, referring to a place close to the speaker totaling 3 data. Discourse deixis function has 2 functions: refers to the part that has been mentioned before totaling 4 data, refers to the part that will be mentioned totaling 123 data. And the function of social deixis has 3 functions, namely social level distinction totaling 11 data, respectful attitude totaling 1 data, stating totaling 11 data.
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