young, work, educationAbstract
The purpose of this research is to provide an understanding that dares to be a witness. Don't be afraid to work even though you are still young, it will be the main idea. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The result of the research is that in general, young people have a lifestyle that tends to be instant, easily influenced by things around them. The same goes for church youth. The family and community in which he is located also influence his lifestyle. With regard to the matter in one's understanding of it shows a very influential influence on the application of it in life. The purpose of witnessing christianity is so that people may know God, believe in God and even be witnesses also. There are challenges faced when being a witness. The obstacles experienced came from within the person who testified and from outside. Challenges from outside are related to the context of the local community, ethnic differences, and religions that lead to different understandings or concepts about salvation.
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