Pancasila, Personality Nations, Philosophy and Ideology.Abstract
Pancasila is the basic foundation as well as the philosophy and ideology of the Indonesian nation. In this paper, the authors describe the principles of morality and the national direction that is lifted from the Pancasila world of thought. These explanations are taken from the literature study that has been conducted by the author. In this literature study, the writer wants to show that Pancasila is the foundation as well as the character and personality of the Indonesian nation that has been ingrained for a long time. But in the end they were able to be given back and presented to the Indonesian people by the Founders of the Indonesian Nation. It was Soekarno, the Father of the Proclaimers and the First President of the Republic of Indonesia who offered and explored Pancasila for the Indonesian people. With these excavations, it is hoped that until now the entire community will participate in learning and continuing to explore the values of Pancasila. Because Pancasila is the philosophy and ideology of the Indonesian nation which is the character and personality of the nation.
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